
The influence of gastrointestinal nematode infections on performance of four groups of female Holstein Friesian calves was monitored until the end of the second grazing season (SGS). In the first year three groups were grazed and one group (G4) was permanently housed. General and grazing management during the first grazing season (FGS) was arranged such that G1 acquired moderate infections, G2 low infections and G3 very low infections with gastrointestinal nematodes. These infections were monitored through faecal egg counts, differentiation of faecal larval cultures, pasture larval counts, serum pepsinogen values, ELISA with a recombinant Cooperia oncophora protein, weight gain, tracer worm counts and sentinel worm counts. In 1998 all four groups were grazed together as one herd from 23 April to 26 October and infections were monitored with the same techniques with the exception of sentinel calves. In the FGS weight gain was higher in G4 than in the other groups and higher in G3 (28.6 kg) than in G1. Weight gain of G2 was intermediate to G1 and G3 but did not significantly differ from either group. In the SGS weight gain in G4 was far less than in any other group and the mean weight at the end of the experiment was 41.9, 38.6 and 50.9 kg lower than G3, G1 and G2, respectively. Though no significant differences were observed between G1, G2 and G3 at the end of the experiment it was obvious that the weight gain advantage of G3 over G1 at the end of the FGS had disappeared. Parasitological and serological findings in the SGS indicated that G3 and G4 had build up less immunity during the FGS compared to G1 and G2. The conclusion of the experiment is that resilience to parasitic gastroenteritis in the SGS depends on the level of exposure to nematodes in the FGS. However, problems with poor weight gain only will be expected when exposure is very low in the FGS and high in the SGS.

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