
Tourism destination is facing numerous crises caused by climate change, natural disaster, economic recession, instability political, internal turmoil and terrorism. These crises affect inbound tourism flows and consequently the tourism industry. New crisis as we know Covid 19 pandemic affecting many sectors, the most affected is the tourism industry. Purpose of this research was (1) to determine mitigation strategies of Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy amid Covid 19 pandemic, (2) to learn the adaptation strategy of community ecotourism to survive amid Covid 19 pandemic and (3) to analyze the implication of Covid 19 epidemic on ecotourism destination resilience in Papua. The research was qualitative research with descriptive explanation, and data collections used interview, documentation, literature study. SWOT analysis method to analyze strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of resilience ecotourism in Papua. The procedure of data analysis techniques in this research used (1) data reduction, (2) presentation data, (3) conclusions. The result of this study showed there were three adaptation strategies (1) physically (2) economically, and (3) social. Covid 19 pandemic gives big implicated to the economic sector, social and culture sectors on ecotourism destination resilience. Cancellations of guest booking and travelling restriction impact on community ecotourism lifecycle. Meanwhile, other industries such as geography, demography, natural resources, politic and security were not implicated by Covid 19 pandemic.
 Keywords: ecotourism, resilience, Papua, Covid 19


  • Impact on societies and livelihood; one of Background Covid 19 pandemic makes the world facing an unprecendeted global health emergency with an unparalleled them is a travel and tourism the most affected by this crisis

  • Based on UNWTO World Tourism Barometer report impact of Covid 19 pandemic has caused a 20% decreasing in international tourist arrivals http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot e-ISSN: 2407-392X. p-ISSN: 2541-0857

  • Economy of Indoensia reveal data number of international visitors to Indonesia were decline comparing to January until March 2019

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Covid 19 pandemic makes the world facing an unprecendeted global health emergency with an unparalleled them is a travel and tourism the most affected by this crisis. Based on UNWTO World Tourism Barometer report impact of Covid 19 pandemic has caused a 20% decreasing in international tourist arrivals http://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/eot e-ISSN: 2407-392X. During the first quarter of 2020 and forecast could lead to an annual decline of between 60% and 80% compare to 2019. Economy of Indoensia reveal data number of international visitors to Indonesia were decline comparing to January until March 2019. This data means lots of the amount of global tourist arrivals decline, loss in revenue and tourism jobs atrisk situation

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