
The aim of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) residues in vegetable soils from the middle of Yuanmou. 12 surface soil (0~20 cm) samples of vegetable fields soil were collected and 18 types of OCPs in soil were analyzed by gas chromatography Results show that excepting for α-endosulfan, endrin, aldrin, o,p’-DDT and p,p’-DDT, other 13 types of OCPs was found with different degree in all the samples. The detection rate of 18 types of OCPs was nd~100%, the residue level was nd~11.76 μg•kg-1, OCPs residues were main chlorthiepin sulfate, HCHs and dieldrin. Residues of endosulfan, HCHs and dieldrin in the soils might come from the old usage and residues of heptachlor might come from the recent usage. Contamination of OCPs in soils from the middle of Yuanmou were relative lower than most areas in south of China.

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