
Lebak Regency, which is in Banten Province, is an area in Indonesia that has many years affected by the landslide disaster. Banten Province itself is a disaster-prone area. In Indonesia, Banten Province is a province with a fairly high hazard rating according to BNPB in the Indonesian Disaster-Prone Index book. Landslide disasters often occur in regions of Indonesia that have diverse topographies. Landslides can cause various kinds of losses like physically, socially, and economically. In early 2020, Lebak Regency experienced flash floods which leads to many residential areas especially areas on the upper ciujung watershed to be affected by landslide. From this disaster that happened on 1st January 2020 alone, 20 bridges were damaged in the 6 affected sub-districts. The analysis in this study used the Spatial Multi-Criteria Evaluation (SMCE) method and an overlay. This study aims to produce locations which have the potential to be relocation areas for landslide prone residences in the Upper Ciujung Watershed which includes 5 district, Cipanas District, Lebakgedong District, Sajira District, Muncang District, and Sobang District. From this research, it was found that areas that have the potential to be the location of residential relocation are only in 4 of the sub-districts within the research areas with a total area of 88.12 Ha which is in the eastern part of Cipanas District, southeast of Lebakgedong District, and also in the western part of Muncang District.

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