
To evaluate a planning area or to implement plan procedures, planners need database in the form of land use, population density, housing density and point information regarding various facilities. At present planning tasks are carried out by manual methods where analytical capabilities are limited. Therefore, there is a need for reliable data as well as comprehensive database information indicating physical factors and good analytical tools. In a development plan various standards are specified in zoning regulations for the development of a city. To get an overall view, how these standards are implemented on the ground in planning period, a GIS application can be useful in analysing various amenity standards with respect to population and distances. In this study, for part of Bhubaneswar, basic data was generated from 1988 aerial photographs and other related information was gathered through field survey and secondary sources. The derived information in the form of a map has been entered into computer through digitization. Vector information was later converted into a raster form for the analysis. As per the planning standards catchment areas were created for limited facilities/services like schools, parks, play ground and accessibility to bus stop from main road. The population actually served by these facilities were calculated and compared with the existing planning standards. This particular study demonstrates the use of GIS in one of the planning tasks especially analyzing the residential areas as per the set standards such that improvement schemes can be proposed accordingly in the deficient areas.

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