
L Oilfield construct as a whole for a wide and gentle anticline, the constructor East steep west slow in constructing the eastern part of the main part of the fault development of the western fault is relatively small, types of traps are faulted anticlines. Type of reservoir rock, siltstone and fine sandstone, sandstone and conglomerate, fine-grained sandstone and siltstone; deposition rhythm is rhythm, including a counter-rhythm, uniform rhythm; Cretaceous reservoir deposition mainly delta plain distributaries channel, the deposition of the Jurassic reservoir delta front, subaqueous distributaries channel and mouth bar; cretaceous reservoir average porosity of 19.3%, average permeability of 30 × 10 - 3μm2, in holes, low permeability reservoir sand body has a more serious layer, flat heterogeneity; Jurassic reservoir average porosity 26%, average permeability of 323 × 10-3μm2 to belong to the hole. in permeability reservoir. Water injection to maintain reservoir pressure development, research to determine the reservoir formation pressure to maintain the level of 0.83 times the original pressure, the initial development technology boundaries with more than 1.2 compensates water injection system pressure of 35MPa.

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