
This study provides data on the peculiarities of adaptation of the cardiorespiratory system to muscle load in athletes engaged in certain types of martial arts (judo, Thai boxing, MMA, and jiu-jitsu). Changes in physiological indicators such as weight, height, vital capacity, glossopharyngeal inhalation (GI), blood pressure, heart rate, physical performance, endurance according to the physical work capacity test at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute (PWC 170) and membrane patch colorimetry (MPC) tests, and heart rate variability are shown, with the calculation of the main indices of the humoral-vegetative balance. The results showed that the vital capacity of the lungs and tidal volume in athletes were 6-8% lower than the required values and corresponded to the “average level” of the functional capabilities of the respiratory system. Calculations of the Skibinsky, Robinson, and Shapovalova indices showed a functional insufficiency in the adaptation of the cardiorespiratory system to physical activity. Against the background of the development of muscle strength functions, indicators of physical performance and endurance of athletes (PWC 170 and maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) tests) turned out to be “below average” levels in absolute and relative values. To identify hidden functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, variability studies were conducted on heart rate (HRV), the results of which showed that 60% of athletes (in all groups), regardless of the type of sport, had a good level of functional capability of the cardiovascular system. The remaining athletes revealed a low level of adaptation mechanisms and functional state of the cardiorespiratory systems, the reason for which was insufficient training of the body of endurance athletes. Research has shown that athletes who have not previously engaged in special training for endurance and increased performance need to develop cardiorespiratory capabilities that ensure the activity of metabolic processes and replenish energy reserves for successful sports activities.

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