
Tracheobronchial leiomyoma is a rare pulmonary neoplasm accounting for <2% of benign tumours of the lower airway. Published case series reported bronchoscopic resectability with laser ablation for lesions located in the large airway. Surgery was performed for tumours with wide-based and tumours located in segmental bronchus or lung parenchyma. This is the first reported case of complete bronchoscopic cryoresection of leiomyoma arising from the subsegmental bronchi and illustrating the cryopreservation of its histologic morphology. A 55-year-old Chinese male who was a life-long non-smoker presented with chronic cough, left-sided chest pain and loss of weight. Chest radiograph showed left lower lobe (LLL) collapse, with the accompanying computed tomography scan of the thorax showing a non-enhancing soft tissue lesion in the LLL bronchus. Rigid bronchoscopy was performed, with rigid forceps resection followed by cryosurgery of the tumour to its base. Histology was consistent with a primary bronchial leiomyoma. Surveillance bronchoscopy performed 6 months later revealed no tumour recurrence. The patient also had complete resolution of his symptoms. Cryosurgery is a promising treatment modality, in complement with conventional forceps resection, for benign airway neoplasms.

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