
In this study, we introduce a system called Matrix Researcher2vec (MResearcher2vec) which generates researcher embedding vectors from their papers and research projects in researchmap and KAKENHI databases. The system includes data on 276,841 researchers, 6,161,592 papers, and research projects. Utilizing natural language processing techniques, the MResearcher2vec model extracts researcher vectors from the papers and research project summaries of KAKENHI grant recipients. The similarity between reseachers is then computed to visualize inter-researcher relationships. The machine learning results have been integrated into a web service, providing a novel approach for academic relationship mining. It can be applied in the matching of research contents and researchers in evaluation of industry-government-academia collaboration and joint research. It contributes in four aspects: (1) exchanges between researchers, (2) creation of opportunities for researchers and companies to connect, (3) further promotion of interdisciplinary research, and (4) reduction of lost opportunities for research institutions to acquire talents.

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