
Pharmacy technicians, despite being overlooked as members of the health care team, are uniquely positioned to make a positive impact on public health with immunizations. In a recent article published in JAPhA, authors sought to compile the research done to date that describes the role that technicians play in vaccine administration. The research team identified 14 studies that demonstrated the safety and efficacy of using pharmacy technicians as immunizers—a new role that is supported by technicians and pharmacists because of its benefits on pharmacy workflow and technician job satisfaction. Studies cited in the October 2021 JAPhA review article by DeMarco and colleagues found that pharmacy technicians, with adequate training, had increased knowledge related to all aspects of immunizations and were then able to talk to patients more effectively and confidently about their immunization-related needs. These technicians also displayed confidence in determining what supplies were needed, they identified appropriate injection sites, and they showed proper administration techniques and documentation of the patient’s vaccination. They also knew how to respond in the event of a vaccine emergency. Authors of the paper wrote that with these new opportunities “techs were empowered by the role” and experienced improved morale. Since time is the primary barrier for pharmacy staff in delivering immunization screenings, pharmacy technicians are in a perfect place to aid in the immunization process. Research found that technicians administering vaccines allowed pharmacists more time to focus on other clinical tasks, including talking with vaccine-hesitant patients about the benefits of immunizations. The JAPhA paper found that pharmacy teams were more successful in limiting disruptions to pharmacy operations when the addition of a pharmacy tech immunizer into the workflow was simple, with a defined list of procedures, and after success was shown during trial runs. DeMarco and colleagues wrote that patients supported technicians immunizing because of the “trusting relationship [they had] with the pharmacy team.” Using pharmacy technicians in screening and as immunizers benefited patients’ access and “decreased immunization wait times,” the researchers said. One study in the JAPhA review noted that 7 techs administered “4,400 immunizations over 6 months.” At least one patient outcome was measured in six of the included trials cited, ranging from higher vaccination rates, increased number of doses administered, and no adverse events following technician administration. The authors concluded that technicians are not only capable of providing vaccines, but that they do so safely. Historically, pharmacy technicians have been tasked with data entry and other administrative duties around immunizations, like insurance billing and point of sale. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, only a handful of states, including Washington, Rhode Island, and Idaho, allowed vaccines to be administered by pharmacy technicians. There has been increased momentum to expand the scope of practice of pharmacy technicians and several states have taken up this mantle by passing and enacting laws to increase opportunities for pharmacy technicians through expanded services. These expanded services have included verifying products, taking medication histories, and administering immunizations. As pharmacy technicians have transitioned to these new duties, there has been increasing evidence to support using technicians in advanced ways. With adequate, multimodal training, pharmacy technicians are prepared and willing to take on these new roles, a change that pharmacists enthusiastically support. Demarco and colleagues noted that expanded technician roles provided flexibility to the pharmacist’s time and allowed them to provide other clinical care.

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