
With the rapid development of emerging technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain and their wide application in education, digital education has received widespread attention in the international education field. The outbreak of COVID-19 in December 2019 further catalyzed the digitalization process in various industries, including education, and forced the education system to carry out digital reform and innovation. Digital education transformation has become a new hotspot of great interest in countries around the world and a major direction for education reform practices. Therefore, to better understand the status of global digital education research, this study uses CiteSpace (6.1.R2) visual analysis software to visualize and quantitatively analyze the literature on digital education research in the social science citation index (SSCI). First, the basic information of digital education was analyzed in terms of annual publication volume, authors, countries, and research institutions. Secondly, the main fields, basic contents, and research hotspots of digital education research were analyzed by keyword co-occurrence analysis mapping and keyword time zone mapping. Finally, the research frontiers and development trends of digital education between 2000 and 6 September 2022 were analyzed by cocitation clustering and citations. The results show that, based on the changes in annual publication volume, we can divide the development pulse of the digital education research field into three stages: the budding stage (2000–2006), the slow development stage (2007–2017), and the rapid development stage (6 September 2018–2022); there are 26 core authors in this field of research, among which Selwyn N has the highest number of publications; the USA, England, Spain, Australia, and Germany have the highest number of publications; Open Univ is the institution with the most publications; digital education’s research hotspots are mainly focused on interdisciplinary field practice research and adaptive education research based on big data support. The research frontiers are mainly related to five areas: interdisciplinary development, educational equity, digital education practice, digital education evaluation, and digital education governance. This paper systematically analyzes the latest developments in global digital education research, and objectively predicts that human–computer interdisciplinary teaching models and smart education may become a future development trend of digital education. The findings of this study are useful to readers for understanding the full picture of digital education research so that researchers can conduct more in-depth and targeted research to promote better development of digital education.

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