
The advancement of science and technology requires that future professionals in all fields of study have developed certain professional and investigative skills. The impact of the industrial revolution 4.0 has included the education sector. For these reasons, we designed a chart based on five competencies that are essential for the professional improvement of future graduates of the Engineering career. These competencies were: industry 4.0, TRIZ, STEM and research competencies in R+D+i projects. A didactic material was prepared to be applied to 225 basic level students in the subject of Applied Physics together with a rubric that determines the skills that the participants have developed during their study from the upper secondary level to the basic level of the career. engineering. The quantitative analysis of the study was carried out with inferential descriptive statistics, in which we found that the students have not developed certain skills: social skills, leadership, cooperative work, assertive communication, demotivation, lack of interest in contributing ideas in group work, no they know how to assign roles. A qualitative technique of motivational didactic development (survey of previous motivations, prejudices and feelings) and the inventive TRIZ were applied to promote the development of certain skills in students. The qualitative analysis of the study was carried out with the Chi Square technique, the results of our research confirm that the didactic-pedagogical-experimental technique has a significant impact on the improvement or development of professional skills in students regardless of the skills acquired in previous years. levels

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