
Since the 1950s, medieval burial sites in Mongolia have been systematically excavated. Among them, tombs belonging to the period of the formation and further expansion of the Mongol Empire have been identified. This article presents an overview of the excavations of such graves that have been carried out. Mongolian and foreign specialists were involved in these activities. The archaeological teams of the Soviet-Mongolian Historical and Cultural Expedition led by A.P. Okladnikov made a major contribution. About 700 medieval burials at over 100 sites have been excavated in Mongolia to date. Not all the results, however, have been published to date. Three main types of burials have been identified: aristocratic graves, burial mounds of common nomads and rock burials. The presented historiographical review makes it possible to identify four stages in the study of medieval burial complexes in Mongolia. The available material provides an opportunity to carry out a large programme of modern, comprehensive research. The results will give substance to various aspects of life and activities of the nomads of Inner Asia during the developed Middle Ages. It will be important to compare such data with written and pictorial sources.

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