
This article reviews the physical mechanism of spin-dependent magnetoresistance and its early application in sensors. The magnetic field performance generated by the current to be measured is explained. According to the realization of the magnetoresistance measurement of this characteristic, seven main indicators of the current sensor are summarized. Starting with the structure of magnetoresistance devices and magnetoresistance units of current sensors based on spin-dependent magnetoresistance effect, several design methods of sensors and their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. Starting from the role of AMR, GMR and TMR in magnetoresistance cells, the structure of series and parallel arrays, permanent magnet bias, coil bias, coil reset, flux aggregator and superconducting ring are analyzed, and several design methods of sensors are summarized as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the possible development direction of the current sensor is forecasted based on the recently discovered spin correlation effect.

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