
s away the non-commodity value of community and earth. 38. See Majid Rahnema's "Swadhyaya, the Unknown, the Peaceful, the Silent, Yet Singing Revolution of India," in IFDA Dossier, No. 17, April 1990. 39. Expert Knowledge systems built on supposedly context-invariant concepts ? such as "development" ? transform contextually oriented speech into a quasi-natural discourse that recasts human situations into instances of law-like patterns. Such distortions of speech have been called "amoeba," or plastic words that mean everything and nothing and require experts to interpret. See Uwe P?rksen "The Colonization of Vernacular Language," in Biology Forum, vol. 81-83, 1988 pp. 381-400. This essay is a translation of the last chapter of the author's book Plastikworter, Die Sprache einer intemationen Diktatur (Stuttgart Klett-Cotta). 40. For example, Peter Berger's book The Capitalist Revolution: Fifty Propositions about Prosperity, Equality and Liberty (New York: Basic Bopoks, 1986), claims that the market system is globally optimal and that Capitalism is legitimate because of its factual reality! (This essay is countra-propositions 3 and 50). 41. See Andre Gorz's Critique of Economic Reason (London: Verso, 1989). 42. See Alastair Maclntyre's After Virtue (Notre Dame, Ind.; University of Notre Dame Press, 1981). Maclntyre argues that only moral tradition, and its narratives, can provide socially testable virtuous practice and be the basis for morality. Otherwise we have rational ethics that separates This content downloaded from on Fri, 09 Sep 2016 04:39:33 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms

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