
Theoretical generalizations of the main research results were made and a practical solution to the research problem of preparing future correctional teachers for volunteer activities with children with special educational needs was presented. It was determined that the volunteer activity of students – future correctional teachers is an integral part of their professional training. It is in the role of volunteers that students get their first active experience of interacting with children with special educational needs. The aggravation of current social problems and the lack of a perfect system of providing the necessary services to vulnerable sections of the population, including children with special educational needs, contribute to the activation of voluntary aid. The problem of involving student youth in volunteering sounds quite acute. After all, according to scientists, student age is “determining”, because it is during this period that the worldview of an individual is formed. Volunteering directly affects the formation of student values. In addition, the involvement of young people in volunteer activities allows improving their professional training. At the first stage of the research, the analysis of the educational and professional program “Special Education (Oligophrenopedagogy)” of the first (bachelor’s) level of education in the specialty 016 “Special Education” was carried out. The analysis of educational and professional programs was carried out on the subject of the presence of disciplines in them, which include the study of the peculiarities of the implementation of volunteer activities in special education. At the second stage of the experiment, a questionnaire was conducted among students studying in the specialty 016 “Special Education”. The survey was conducted anonymously. By ensuring complete anonymity, the questionnaire method makes it possible to more effectively investigate the problem and its moral and ethical aspects. The survey program proposed by us is a continuous study in terms of complete coverage, part-time in terms of the researcher’s communication method with respondents, and mass in terms of the number of respondents. When creating the questionnaire, we took into account the principles of its construction. At the beginning, there is an introductory part, which states who conducts the survey and for what purpose, includes instructions for filling it out, and information on how to return the completed questionnaire.

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