
Frequently within these Editor's Notes and other communications among physical therapists, we discuss the “massive changes” taking place in health care. We, and “we” certainly includes this Editor, often act as though the current chaos will lead to either a health care apocalypse (with redemption of the just) or a reprise of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, with case managers and health care administrators cast in the role of those about to be destroyed by a downpour of brimstone. As we attempt to characterize what has occurred to health care, and specifically to our profession, we search for images and adjectives that have (to illustrate my point) a “massive” impact. No word seems too pretentious. Health care is in crisis, and our profession does indeed face challenges unlike any we have seen before. But our ability to function and thrive does not depend on making Chicken Little appear prone to understatement or becoming so focused on today's problems that we reach new levels of myopia. Perhaps we should focus more on providing solutions than on characterizing the problem. The American Physical Therapy Association belongs to the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), an organization with member groups from about 86 countries. I am fascinated by the perspectives that I have found among physical therapists from many of these WCPT-member nations. Although many of the issues that we face today also are confronting therapists …

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