
International Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Sciences,2022,11,2,36-40.DOI:10.5530/ijpcs.2022.11.8Published:June 2022Type:Review ArticleAuthors:Yousef Ahmed Alomi, Amal Hassan Al-Najjar, Esraa S. Altawil, Maha Hussein Almadany, Ghudair Tashan Alanazi, and Abeer Hussin Almasoudi Author(s) affiliations:Yousef Ahmed Alomi*, BSc.Pharm, MSc. Clin Pharm, BCPS, BCNSP, DiBA, CDE Critical Care Clinical Pharmacists, TPN Clinical Pharmacist, Freelancer Business Planner, Content Editor, and Data Analyst, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA. Amal Hassan Al-Najjar, BSc, MSc,Drug and Poison Information Center, Security Forces Hospitals, Riyadh, SAUDI ARABIA. Esraa S. Altawil, SCCPN, MSc. Pharm,BCCCP, BCNSP, BCPS Consultant Clinical Pharmacist, Critical Care and Nutrition Support, King Saud University Medical City, SAUDI ARABIA. Maha Hussein Almadany, BSc. Pharm. Health Care Quality Management Professional Diploma (HCQM), Pharmacy Quality Department, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Medical City, Al Madina Al Monwarah, SAUDI ARABIA. Ghudair Tashan Alanazi, BSc. Pharm, Pharm.D, MSc. Clin Pharm, Diploma of Epid, Critical Care Clinical Pharmacist, Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacist, MOH, Hafrbatin, SAUDI ARABIA. Abeer Hussin Almasoudi, BSc.Pharm Director, Administration of Research and Studies, Ministry of Health, Tabuk, SAUDI ARABIA. Abstract:Objectives: This study aims to declare the Research policy of case reports and case series design in pharmacy practice as a new initiative in Saudi Arabia. Methods: This article is a narrative review of pharmacy research. Litterateur looked up specific research policies and procedures in pharmacy practice in databases such as PubMed, Medline, and Google Scholar. The time frame for the search was from the 1960s to October 2021. The terms used are in the English language and encompasses narrative reviews, systemic reviews, meta-analyses, and guidelines. The search term includes all hospital and community pharmacy-related services. Besides, there are national and international guidelines for conducting general research in hospital practice was revised. The pharmacy research committee was formed and consisted of expert members, including clinical pharmacists, pharmacists who specialise in drug information, and clinical research specialists. A member drafted the policy’s guidelines, which were then reviewed and corrected by another member. The research specialist made the third revision. The topic emphasizes the Pharmacy Research policy of case reports and case series design. Results: The Pharmacy Research policy regarding the design of case reports and case series in pharmaceutical care services included several items. This included the advantages and disadvantages of case reports and case series, the steps involved in conducting case report research, and the steps involved in implementing the case series model in pharmacy practice. Conclusion: The case report and case series policy in pharmacy is a new initiative that is part of the pharmacy research services and the pharmacy strategic plan. The case report and case series pharmacy policies help a healthcare organisation address its unique drug related issues. Additionally, the efficacy of the particular drug in treating the particular disease condition. Therefore, in Saudi Arabia, the case report and case series in pharmacy research policy are highly recommended. Keywords:Case report, Case series, Pharmacy, Policy, Research, Saudi ArabiaView:PDF (265.06 KB) PDFClick here to download the PDF file. Images Research Policy of Case Report and Case Series Design

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