
Сharacteristic features of technological research on palm and finger prints are de- fined and described in detail. Considerable attention has been paid to methodical approach development that enables forensic research to be carried out without harming integrity of the paper medium on which in- visible prints are left. The opinion that use of Projectina Docustat DS-210 and Regula 4305 devices (in the case of applying the principle of gradual combination) provides an opportunity to prepare at least preliminary conclusions regarding identification of belonging (non-belonging) of invisible fat traces to the same person. Attention is focused on the possible solution of forensic tasks (during the next stages of the investigation) regarding identification of the chemical composition of substances in fat traces, that makes pos- sible to determine whether the suspect was in contact with material evidence in the case (for example, with weapons, drugs etc.). The research purpose is to formulate certain preliminary conclusions before further conducting objective fingerprinting examination it- self, as well as to ensure the integrity of the source document by applying a methodical approach developed in ‘’National Bureau of Expertises’’ State Non-Profit Organization of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia that will help forensic expert to more accurately identify belonging (non-belonging) of invisible fat traces to the same person.

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