
In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, edge technology has been gradually applied to many fields, such as computer cloud environment. Through edge computing, we can schedule cloud workflow tasks, which can allocate the workflow tasks submitted by users to appropriate computing resources. Then, based on the amount of resources used, we can pay for it immediately. For most ordinary users, workflow task scheduling is to balance the completion time and execution cost reasonably, which can coordinate the two into the optimal. With the continuous development of science and technology, intelligent mobile terminal equipment has gradually replaced the electronic computer, which has become the main computing platform for consumers. At the same time, with the development of natural language processing and video analysis technology, the world’s mobile data traffic has become an explosive growth. “Mobile edge computing” is a way for mobile network edge to provide IT service environment and cloud computing capability, which will reduce the delay of network operation and service delivery. By emphasizing proximity to mobile users, we can improve the user experience. Firstly, this paper analyzes the related concepts. Then, this paper mainly studies the workflow task scheduling strategy.

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