
As to solve the problem of multivariable output tracking control of variable cycle engine under system uncertainties and external disturbances, an augmented model reference adaptive sliding mode control method based on LQR method was developed. Firstly, the model is augmented and the reference state is provided to the controller by designing the reference model using the optimal LQR method. Then, based on the state tracking sliding mode control method, the adaptive law is derived based on the strict stability condition of Lyapunov function to estimate the upper bound of the system perturbation matrix and the upper bound of the external disturbances. Finally, the controller achieves the asymptotic zero tracking error of the system under the conditions of uncertainty and external disturbance. The simulation results showed that the LQR-based augmented model reference adaptive sliding mode control method can solve the problem that the traditional sliding mode control method needs to specify the reference state in advance and improve the control performance of the variable cycle engine control with system uncertainties and external disturbance. The tracking of the control command is effectively achieved and the steady-state and dynamic performance are improved. The steady-state control errors under different conditions are less than 0.1%, the system overshoot is less than 0.5%, and the adjustment time is less than 1s, which conformed to the requirements of the aero engine control system technology.


  • The steady⁃state control errors under different conditions are less than 0.1%, the system overshoot is less than 0.5%, and the adjustment time is less than 1s, which conformed to the requirements of the aero engine control system technology

  • Xi′an, Northwestern Polytechnical University University Press, 2008: 24⁃27 ( in Chinese)

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变循环发动机( variable cycle engine,VCE) 至今 已有 50 多年的探索研究与发展历程,其涡喷工作模 式下的大推力、超声速巡航能力以及涡扇工作模式 下亚声速巡航的低耗油率可满足新一代战斗机充足 的推力要求[1⁃3] 。 美国已持续开展了多项变循环发 动机研究计划,研制了 2 款变循环发动机( F120 和 F136[4] ) 。 与国外的研究成果相比,国内关于变循 环发动机控制系统设计的研究还处于探索阶段。 B ê A8 ú ëêêAfvabi ûúú éênl,cor ùú éê nl ùú éê wf ùú ê Peprs ú = C ênh ú + D ê A8 ú ëêê Plepr ûúú ëêêT4 ûúú ëêêAfavbi ûúú 求解上式可得控制器输入 u: u = - ( GB) -1[ GAx + Ξ·sign( s) ] (6) 根据(6)式、(2)式、(1)式的调节输出 y 可写为: y = Caug xaug + Daug u

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