
In this paper, an ultra-high resolution photoassociation spectroscopy study on photoassociation of cesium atoms is reported. The cold cesium gas in the magneto-optical trap is illuminated by a photoassociation laser with red-tuning as large as 40 cm−1 below the 6S 1/2 + 6P 3/2 dissociation limit, and the photoassociation to the excited state ultracold molecule is detected. High signal-to-noise ratio is obtained by using the lock-in detection of the fluorescence from the modulated cold Cs atoms. The 0 g − , 1g and 0 u + long-range states which correspond to 6S 1/2 + 6P 3/2 dissociation limit are present in the photoassociation spectrum. The effective coefficients of leading long-range interactions and the corresponding vibrational quantum number are obtained using LeRoy-Bernstein Law. It is found that photoassociation process creates rotating molecules and the high J value is a hint that higher partial waves participate in the PA process in the presence of trapping laser.

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