
Inclusive education has been a crucial education revolution since 1994 the Salamanca Statement, proclaiming that children with diversified abilities should have access to regular schools with appropriate scaffolds and support. Chinese inclusive education is presented as Learning in Regular Classrooms where children with special needs are placed in a regular classroom of a regular school. This article explored and identified challenges LRC faces through teachers roles, standards, and relationships with the childrens families that lead to unsuccessful LRC. The lack of special education knowledge in teachers, mono-teaching-evaluation standards on academics, and disagreements between teachers and families on support for children are some causes of unsuccessful LRC. This article proposed multiple solutions according to the challenges which include cooperating with special education schools to provide systemized special education training and support for teachers, schools providing clear, written, and diversified teaching standards, increase in communication between teachers and childrens families, and schools providing extra support for children.

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