
With the rapid development tourism, scenic area has gradually become the destination choice for most tourists. But the rapid development in scenic areas at the same time, the problem the harmonious relationship between area and the Aborigines have become increasingly prominent, seriously affected the sustainable development the scenic areas. This paper analyze the problem the relationship between scenic spots and indigenous people, and puts forward some measures about the scenery and the harmonious development the aboriginal protection scenic spot area, so as to provide a reference for the social problems scenic area control. Derivation the problem Since the reform and opening, with the high-speed development economy and the continuous improvement people's living standard, people's consumption concept has been changed. The resort has become part the ordinary people's life. As an opportunity, and by all levels government in tourism is smokeless factory as an important content stimulating local economy. Tourism for prompting booming tourism economy, from the world cultural and natural heritage sites to the provincial national scenic area, heritage from material to non-material heritage, celebrity zone to the local folk customs, from... A full bloom, everything. At the same time, the native living in places scenic spot in the face visitors flocked from all directions in the tour consumption, in the process tourist visitors during the period specific consumer psychology, in general, tourists are holding the money up with the joneses mentality, very different from home life consumption idea, naturally, the idea of communities depend, on the sea . Therefore, the use their own some the original living facilities, make small business phenomenon appeared. Generally displays in: one is t o open the inn, hostel, hotel, eat for tourists; Second, in their own homes or village then some small tourist souvenirs, local products such as; 3 it is to sell labor such as taxi, carry slide, bamboo raft, to do a tour guide, etc. Some scenic spots in the temple also unwilling to lag behind, joined the star-studded operating force. although this has convenient visitors, promote prosperity in the scenic area, increasing the income the parties to the side, but if it is not regulated, it did, is bound to be natural and cultural landscape in the scenic spot is not harmonious situation coordination and even destructive role. Based on this, the author choose some cases through field investigation, this paper present situation and existing problems in the current scenic area, to analytical thinking, to establish their own train thought, to carry out research, trying to provide reference to management decision makers, can make the scenic area construction toward conducive to ecological protection, as well as the profit all aspects in the direction healthy development.

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