
In this study, Federer was selected as the research object to explore the reasons for his high brand value through the research method of literature research and content analysis. A detailed discussion of Federer’s Competitive strength, Personal Image, Brokerage Team Operations, and fan loyalty was conducted. The results show that the above four aspects play an indispensable role in forming the brand value of sports players. Good competitive strength can make athletes stand out from the crowd of players and become the focus of attention. Coupled with the player’s superb personality (which includes cultural cultivation and sportsmanship), the number of fans will rise, and the quality will gradually become solid, thus forming a large number of hardcore fans. With many loyal fans, the fans will be more willing to pay for the brand products endorsed by the players, which is the origin of the players’ star effect. Thus, hope Federer’s success path is worthy of athletes (especially those in individual sports) and sports agencies to learn from during their careers.

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