
MOOCs, as a new educational mode and form, has been widely welcomed around the world and also flourished in China for nearly ten years. Under the background that China has the largest total amount of MOOCs in the world, it is of great significance to explore the characteristics of high-quality MOOCs presentation mode for the future development. At present, although many studies have proved that the presentation mode of MOOCs’ teaching video has an impact on the teaching effect of MOOCs, there are few answers to questions such as “how to present” and “why to present in this way”. Based on this, from the perspective of qualitative research, this study selects the “national high-quality online open course”, which represents the highest level of online video in China, and analyzes the current online teaching video mode. The study found that in different types of teaching videos, the frequency and location of teacher images are different, and the key points and auxiliary teaching methods of making videos are also different. At the same time, the research also talks with a large number of existing researches in order to provide the construction ideas of high-quality resources for the builders of follow-up MOOCs courses.


  • In recent years, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), as a new form and mode of the education, has received lots of attention across the world since its launch

  • Under the background that China has the largest total amount of MOOCs in the world, it is of great significance to explore the characteristics of high-quality MOOCs presentation mode for the future development

  • Chinese quality MOOCs are divided into three construction levels: the school-level, the provincial-level and the national-level MOOCs, among which the national-level MOOCs represent the highest level of Chinese MOOCs at the current stage

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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), as a new form and mode of the education, has received lots of attention across the world since its launch. In early 2018, the National Ministry of Education has selected and released the 490 national-level of MOOCs, covering the specialization of arts, science, engineering, agriculture and medicine in all higher education This is the first batch of establishment of national-level MOOCs in China as well as around the world, which aims to significantly improve the quality of higher education (Ministry of Education, 2018b). Many empirical studies had proved that the way of presenting videos has impact on MOOCs’ teaching effect, there are few solutions for coping with questions such as “how to present” and “why it should be presented in such a way” Based on such problems, this research will conduct a qualitative analysis on the presentation methods of national-level MOOCs teaching video and their corresponding reasons by intensively researching existing literature studies to provide constructive thinking and ideas with high-quality resources for the subsequent MOOCs constructions

Literature Review
Researches on the Presentation Methods of Subtitles in MOOCs’ Teaching Videos
Data Sources
Research Methodologies and Tools
Research Process
Data Analysis
The Frequency of Teachers’ Images under Different Knowledge Type
Analysis for the Presentation Modes of Assistant Teaching Methods
The Types and Characteristics of Other Assistant Teaching Methods
Findings and Discussions
The Emphasis of MOOCs Videos of Different Types of Knowledge Is Different
Research Recommendations
Full Text
Paper version not known

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