
Keywords: chromogen, methicillin, MRSA, resistanceIntroduction: Currently, both in staphylococci isolated from animals with different diseases, as well as in humans, the MRSA strains (Methicillin Resistant S. aureus) are monitored, as the methicillin resistance is associated with the resistance to other antibiotic groups.Methicillin resistance is encoded by mec staphylococcal chromosomal cassettes (SCCmec), which are islands of resistance. These strains can be identified by molecular biology tests and tests that reveal several phenotypic characteristics.The research was made in order to characterize and identify phenotypically the MRSA staphylococci strains isolated from animals.Materials and Methods: Researches were made on 240 coagulase positive and coagulase negative strains of staphylococci. Mannitol fermentation was tested on Champan medium, free coagulase was revealed on Baird-Parker medium and to identify S. aureus subsp. aureus was used the chromogenic medium Chromatic Staph.Methicillin-resistant strains were detected by disc diffusion method, using biodiscs with methicillin, oxacillin and cefoxitin. Also, to identify the MRSA strains, was used the chromogenic medium Chromatic MRSA.Results: The isolates were positive to mannitol and produced complete haemolysis or were unhaemolytic. A total of 44 strains produced free coagulase on Baird-Parker medium, considered coagulase positive strains, while 196 were coagulase negative strains.The isolates conducted differently to methicillin: 22,08% of strains were resistant, 51,25% of strains were susceptible and 26,66% had intermediate resistance, while the resistant strains to oxacillin were 42,91%.The increased frequency of methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci and, particularly, MRSA strains, determined using the cefoxitin disk diffusion test, which is more reliable than methicillin and oxacillin.On the MRSA chromogenic medium, the methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci formed colonies with pigment from mauve to orange mauve.Conclusion: The obtained results by disk diffusion test on resistance patterns to 3 beta-lactams, resistant to penicillinase, indicated a different frequency of the resistant strains to these antibiotics.Cefoxitin disk diffusion test revealed a frequency of 2,51% of resistant strains, that can be considered MRSA strains.

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