
The effects of high-altitude wind shear of wind speed should be considered, the appropriate number of distribution group should be determined and the distribution of wind speed hybrid model parameters and solving should be loaded onto the blades. When the stress of rotor blade is analyzed, the elastic deformation of the blades and the effects of the vibration of oscillating flow field on reaction of the blades must be considered during the operation. Thus the laws of blade load distribution and the corresponding deformation can be accurately calculated to analyze the interplay between deformation vibration airflow and paddle, to determine the law of deformation of rotor blades, the surface pressure distribution, stress distribution and blade design safety factors. When wind load changes with the wind speed, the adaptive blades are powered by aeroelastic, the law of wielding and flapping of the blade will be studied. The torsion coupling effects of adaptive blade, blade bending ,the law of torsional deformation variation of the angle of attack and the impact on aeroelastic blades structural strength will be explored. The results of this study design will be optimized as the power factor, improving the stability of the design of wind turbine power output, reducing material consumption blades absorb vibration and reducing wind load maneuvering to avoid blade stall achieve pitch control. Thus it provides a theoretical basis for optimal design of strength and stiffness of the elongated paddles.

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