
XX century poetry is accounted new poetry according to its essence. Well, it was renewed. Previously, in this century, science and technologies achievements were increased, and as the result of it, the pace of life became greater than before. It was the first thing. The second thing, which we have to say, is social and political changes that occurred in our country within 100 years. In addition, the matter affected our compatriots’ outlook. The factors of these two direction distinguished incomparably XX century’s people than earlier epoch. Also its notion, outlook, worldliness were renewed. In consequence, literature and poetry stepped their new level. These renewals appeared in poetry both maintenance and form. It would be proper if we call the poetry of 1905-1990s as a new poetry. Because, from 1905 year it was pursued the activity of jadidism as the motion in Turkistan and becoming popular conceptions of jadidism. The reason is that to say until 1990s is, at that time Uzbekistan became an independent state and it brought new literary atmosphere with itself. Therefore, this period is separate and independent research object. One of the main peculiarities of new Uzbek poetry is its publicity. Because in XX century our compatriots overcame a lot of changing and occurrences: overcome three social systems and witnessed two world wars, revolution incidents, civil wars and their horrible results. In consequence, poetry socialized. For the time being there appeared necessity of poetry reformation for being reflected people’s soul living social historical condition. As the result of it our poetry came across several quality changes, as rhythmic- intonation construction, poetic expression manner, and subjective form. Human is a difficult creature who has a biological, social and sensual condition in himself, it has a sign of them which belongs to him. From the historical development of humanity the “new era” - began in XVII century in Europe, in our country in XX century, - characterized with turning over the sociality in humanity. The ideal-thematic changing and progressing of sociality in our poetry is characterized with it. The worldview of “new human” is also changed, he began to think about only to live and reach to the heaven, but also think to change his real life. As a result the esthetic-ideal nature in literature changed; God is not main figure of it, but the social aim that human can earn with his action is. The cultural-economical relations progressed; social-economical relations changed and shaped the “new human”. In XX century we can distinguish four literal generations according to the poetic principals; new poets, ancestors of XX century, ancestors of 1960th and 1970th years. They differ from each other according to their ideal-esthetic and poetic principals.

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