
Based on the study of cores, thin sections, and outcrops, the sedimentary facies of the lower Cambrian carbonate rocks in the northern Tarim Basin can be divided into four types: restricted platform, open platform, ramp, and basin. Based on the lithologic analysis of thin sections, two-dimensional seismic data interpretation, and an isopach map of the lower Cambrian Xiaoerbulake Formation in the study area, seven sedimentary facies of carbonate rocks were identified, including inner platform depression, shoal, intershoal sea, platform margin, gypsum salt lake, ramp, and basin. The depositional model of the lower Cambrian Xiaoerbulake Formation in the northern Tarim Basin is constructed based on this integrated research. The topset, foreset, and bottomset of oblique progradational reflections are interpreted as the platform margin beach, ramp, and basin environments, respectively. The thicker area with micritic dolomite as the dominant lithology is interpreted as a platform depression. The low-amplitude hummocky reflections are interpreted as shoals that consist of a variety of granular dolomite and algal dolomite. The thinner uplifted area with gypsum and dolomite present in cores is interpreted as a restricted platform with a gypsiferous dolomite tidal flat or lake environment. Well LT1, which was drilled recently in the platform margin and ramp region, as indicated by seismic progradational clinoform reflections, has produced high yields of oil and gas. Supported by the above research results, the map of the lithofacies and paleogeography of the Xiaoerbulake Formation in the northern Tarim Basin was recompiled.

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