
<p>近年來高校學生因學校對其違紀違規處理過當或者不能接受相應的處分結果,將母校告上法庭的案件時有發生。學生認為學校的處理結果嚴重的侵害到其受教育權或其他基本權利。這種現象一方面是高校學生的自我保護的法律意識不斷地提升,另一方面也反映出高校在處理學生違規行為時學生權利救濟程序存在著不合法之處。學位不僅僅是學術水準的象徵,而且是獲得相應的經濟地位和社會地位的前提條件。在高校作出學位撤銷的決定時,必須要同時兼顧實體公正和程序正當,既要達到維護學術價值和學術倫理,又要充分保護學生的合法權益。尤其是學位撤銷會給當事人帶來的負面影響是極其重大的,除了直接會影響到當事人名譽權、隱私權和工作權,乃至於當事人的人格尊嚴等。這種會造成當事人嚴重後果的行為,必須要完善救濟的途徑。目前因為學位撤銷而引起的糾紛已經納入到司法審查的範圍,不過,因為關係到高校的「學術自由」,法院對學位撤銷糾紛進行審理時,一般僅會審查高校在學位撤銷過程中是否遵循正當程序原則,至於實質性學術不端問題,法院一般不會進行審查。本文以北京大學撤銷于艷茹博士學位案為例,分析學位撤銷存在的爭點,企盼更全面認識中國大陸學生權益救濟法制。</p> <p> </p><p>In recent years, college students often take their alma mater to court because they have been punished or can not accept the corresponding punishment. Students think that the results of the school seriously infringe on their right to education or other basic rights. On the one hand, the legal consciousness of College Students’ self-protection is constantly improving, on the other hand, it also reflects the illegality of the student rights relief procedure in dealing with students’ violations. degree is not only a symbol of academic level, but also a prerequisite for obtaining corresponding economic and social status. When colleges and universities make the decision to cancel their degrees, they must take into account both substantive justice and procedural justice, not only to maintain academic value and academic ethics, but also to fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of students. In particular, the negative impact of degree revocation on the parties is extremely significant, in addition to directly affecting the party’s right to reputation, privacy and work, and even the party’s personal dignity. This kind of behavior will cause serious consequences of the parties, we must improve the way of relief. At present, the disputes caused by the revocation of degree have been included in the scope of judicial review. However, because it is related to the "academic freedom" of colleges and universities, when the court tries the dispute of revocation of degree, it generally only examines whether colleges and universities follow the principle of due process in the process of revocation of degree. As for the substantive academic misconduct, the court generally does not review it. Taking the case of the Yu Yanru’s doctorate degree from Peking University as an example, this paper analyzes the dispute points of degree withdrawal and hopes to have a better understanding of the legal system of student rights relief in Chinese mainland.</p> <p> </p>

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