
<p>本研究旨在探究保護事件兒少行為人(含「未成年家暴相對人」及「未成年性侵害行為人」的成因,以及這些未成年兒少的服務需求與處遇服務之限制和因應。為達此研究目的,本研究採取焦點團體訪談法針對4位兒少保護性社工及督導進行質性資料的蒐集與分析。研究發現,兒少會成為保護事件行為人的原因實與家庭因素和發展議題息息相關,這類兒少的服務需求至少包括:情緒創傷修復、協助學習親子衝突因應以及理解兒少對性的好奇與需求。基於這些服務需求,保護事件兒少行為人的處遇服務應該要考量將家長或照顧者一起納入服務、善用團體工作、以兒少需求為核心、實務工作者專業知能提升及相關兒少服務資源整合等要素。本研究最後依研究結果提出幾點建議,以供相關政策規劃與實務工作之參考。</p> <p> </p><p>The research aims to explore the reasons why children become the juvenile domestic violence and sexual offender, as well as discover these children’s service needs and the limitation and responses of intervention services. For the purposes, by adopting qualitative approach, 4 child and youth protection social workers’ opinions were collected from a focus group. It is found that the reasons why juveniles become domestic violence and sexual offenders are closely related to the poor family function and adolescent development issues. These juveniles’ needs for the social services thus should include: healing emotional trauma, helping the juveniles and their parents to learn how to cope with conflicts, and understanding the juvenile s’ sex curiosity and intimate relationship needs. Based on these service needs, it is necessary to involve the parents or juveniles’ family caregivers in the service, make good use of group work, focus on the juveniles’ needs, enhance the professional ability of practical workers and integrate the relative service resources when planning the intervention services for the juvenile domestic violence and sexual offender. Based on these findings, the research puts forward several suggestions for reference of related policies and practical works. </p> <p> </p>

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