
It’s of great significance to conduct the nondestructive evaluation of steel bridges to extend their service life. The metal magnetic memory testing (MMMT) method can effectively evaluate the stress states of ferromagnetic components. To improve the accuracy and reliability of the stress evaluation on bridge steel structures based on MMMT technology, an improved force-magnetic coupling model considering loading history is proposed, which can reflect the impact of material mechanical properties on magnetization behavior. The MMMT is carried out on the Q345qD bridge steel plates under load-unload tensile stress considering the relative location between the specimen and the geomagnetic field, according to the rotation angle θr. It comprehensively analyzes the variation laws of representative tangential and normal components of the magnetic signal, i.e. Hm(y) and Hm(z), corresponding to different inspection parameters during the loading process. The mean value Ay of the Hm(y) curves and the linear fitting slope Kz of Hm(z) curves are applied to characterize the variation laws of magnetic signal with respect to the applied load Fa. According to the fitting curves of Ay and Kz with Fa, it quantitatively demonstrates the applied loads. It further puts forward the normalized magnetic characteristic parameters Ayn and Kzn to characterize the force-magnetic relationship of the specimen, which are less affected by the position of the specimen in geomagnetic field. Finally, the proposed force-magnetic coupling model is applied to calculate the variation of normalized magnetization ΔMn. The theoretical results are compared with the synthetic magnetic characteristic parameter AKn obtained by experiment. It shows an average error of 8.53% between ΔMn and AKn, which proves the feasibility and effectiveness of the force-magnetic coupling model proposed in this paper.

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