
The purposes of this study were to establish and to explore the biological basis of the chronic stress-induced premature ovarian failure (POF) model and to explore the therapeutic effects of the traditional Chinese medicine Muniziqi. Sexually matured female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed with spinach and cilantro in cold and wet conditions for about 20 weeks until a chronic stress (CS) model was established. The CS rats were divided into a POF stress model group and a stress model group according to weekly biological characteristics and hormone level detection ( luteinizing hormone [LH], follicle stimulating hormone [FSH], and estrogen [E2]). To investigate the therapeutic effect of Muniziqi, the POF disease stress model group was divided into the high-, medium-, and low-drug intervention groups. The results showed that chronic stresses (special food, cold, damp) can lead to POF disease. The traditional Chinese medicine Muniziqi could not only improve the reproductive hormone level disorder, but also improve the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis. The underlying mechanism may be a change in the E2, LH, and FSH hormone levels in serum and lower expression of ovarian premature aging-related protein PFN-1.

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