
Assessing security awareness among users is essential for protecting industrial control systems (ICSs) from social engineering attacks. This research aimed to determine the effect of cyber security awareness on the emergency response to cyber security incidents in the ICS. Additionally, this study has adopted a variety of cyber security emergency response process measures and frameworks and comprehensively proposes a new organizational model of cyber security incident response. The corresponding measures are evaluated based on the MP2DR2 risk control matrix model to assess their practical value in the evaluation stage. This study found that after adding security awareness measures to response control measures, the influential value ranking of other control measures changed. The practical value of security awareness control measures was given a higher priority than that of other control measures. The research results highlight the importance of cyber security awareness and aim to inspire ICSs to place a higher priority on staff cyber security awareness in relation to cyber security incidents, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of cyber security incidents and make the field of industrial control application agency respond to incidents faster to restore the regular progress of all works.

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