
People-oriented is need of social development, is a sign of progress of civilization. Education is human spirit project, is cradle of all kinds of excellent talents. Keep up with of The Times, has been introduced into education field in 1960 s, gradually carried forward. In field of military education, with of new military revolution, need to have application practice of new education idea. Sergeant training is forces of hotspots in field of education in recent years, how to education idea training together, is instructors at all levels should consider practical problems. This paper is to briefly analyze basic connotation of education idea, then based on servicing position, sergeant skills, the process of training and planning, principles of corresponding to humanist education idea to a concrete analysis of its application in petty officer training. Index Terms - people-oriented; education idea; training; application. I. Introduction Scientific development as guiding ideology has been written to articles of association of eighteen Chinese communist meeting, is going to be as guiding theoretical foundation of social for a long time, core of Scientific development is people-oriented. Education is human spirit project, around is career of influence people, cultivate people, shaping people, achievement (1) In recent years concept of education have been closely combined, formed education idea, rapid rise in domestic, whether it is a teaching management, teaching management personnel or general teacher's classroom teaching, have in implement practice of education idea, same is true in field of military education (2) With deepened reform of military education, education had been an important training task was given in colleges, universities training institutions, exploration of education mode was researched, people- oriented education idea in education began to practice in training too. In this paper, simple analysis of basic theory of education idea was given, focused on analyzing application in training. II. The basic connotation of education idea The connotation of concept is Any activity of society are to satisfy people's survival for purpose, with its emphasis on people is main part of nature, society themselves; People is highest value in form (3) . Said from macroscopic, human-oriented education idea is a kind of education orientation in education activities, it relies on its internal has interrelated principles, content, ideas corresponding implementation strategies to protect support student self-awareness of their own quality, rebuild themselves develop their unique personality self- realization. Said from micro, people-oriented education, refers to in process of education by artificial starting point center, surrounding inspire arouse people's initiative, enthusiasm creativity, to realize people with education to develop a series of education teaching activities. The essence of which is focus on personality of students. In constant guide students in teaching process, combined with characteristics of students to give them space of free play, help students to complete process of self awareness self expression, so that students can actively exert their subjective initiative in teaching process. Realization of education idea has following basic principles

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