
The researches carried out followed the behavior of some cultivares of vines with red grapes in the ampelographic collection, over a period of three years (2020-2022). During the three years of study, the grape cultivares for red wines budded between April 13-20, the 'Mamaia' cultivar budded the earliest, and the 'Pandur' cultivar at the latest. Shoot fertility recorded different values ​​depending on the cultivar and climatic conditions. From the point of view of the average production of grapes, in the analyzed period, the cultivares'Novac' stood out 20479 kg/ha, being registered from a statistical point of view as very significantly positive, 'Codană'18089 kg/ha and 'Haiduc' 17662 kg/ha, from a statistical point of view, they registered distinctly significant positive meanings.
 The values ​​of the content in total sugars, at harvest maturity, fluctuated from one cultivar to another but also from one year to another. From this point of view, the 'Codană'cultivar was in first place, with an average amount of total sugars of 207 g/l. The 'Arcaș' cultivar achieved an average total sugar content, with the lowest value (180 g/l). In the period 2020-2022, the grape cultivaresanalyzed behaved differently depending on the climatic conditions of the crop year.

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