
Big data is another subversive technological revolution in the IT industry after cloud computing and the Internet of things. At present, many native Internet enterprises have made a lot of achievements in some aspects by using big data technology. For example,ByteDance,a news application, uses big data technology to accurately portray users to achieve personalized news push; Tencent and Alibaba use the same technology to analyze the audience and package new advertising products called programmed advertising'Mn 2009, publishing companies like The Guardian, The Economist, and the New York Times, and other internationally renowned publications began to explore big data news, and made significant achievements in using digital technology to expand the newspaper industry. In China, the newspaper industry tries to improve the effect of media communication by strengthening the creation of a comprehensive database and exploring the integration and development of new media. This paper will sort out the process of information development in the newspaper industry and the application of big data and new technology in news creation.

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