
In the graphic database, the difficulty of query processing lies in how to query the contents of various data, that is, content-based retrieval, which is an effective means and an important technology to realize multimedia data retrieval. In graphic database, the difficulty of query processing lies in how to query the content based on unformatted data, that is, content-based retrieval, which is an effective means and an important technology to realize multimedia data retrieval. Intelligent information retrieval (IR) system is an intelligent computer IR system, which simulates the thinking process and intelligent activities of human beings about information processing, realizes the storage, retrieval and reasoning of information knowledge, and provides intelligent assistance to users. This paper analyzes the problems of image and text database retrieval driven by big data, explores the application effect of artificial intelligence (AI) in IR driven by big data, promotes the innovation and transformation of modern science and technology, and realizes the sustainable development of our society.

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