
Hydrographic area of Anies River basin drains the southern slope of Rodna Mountains. Watershed area as geographical location falls within the geographic coordinates: North latitude: 24°41' to 24°52'; East longitude: 47°22' to 47°35'. Permanent hydrographic network density of AnieAŸ Valley hydrographic basin is between 12.8 m / ha and 29.3 m / ha. Lungimea totalAƒ a reA£elei hidrografice din subbazinele torenA£iale studiate este de 63,1 km, din care cu degradAƒri 2,9 km (4,6 %). The hydrographic network total length from the torrential sub-basins studied is 63.1 km, of which the degradation 2.9 km (4.6%).

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