
The essential requirement of sustainable development is to maximize economic prosperity and well-being while remaining within natural boundaries. This study focused on three aspects. First, a unique ecological well-being performance (EWP) evaluation model was developed by combining subjective and objective well-being indicators to assess China’s EWP from 2006 to 2018. Second, the evolution of spatial differences in China’s EWP was examined using the Dagum Gini coefficient and four spatial polarization indicators, from the perspective of eight economic regions. Third, we used the Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (LMDI) method to decompose the driving factors of China’s EWP into four effects: economic, technical, objective well-being, and subjective well-being. Effective ways to promote the coordinated and sustainable enhancement of EWP in China were determined. The results showed that the overall level of EWP in China decreased from 2006 to 2018. The growth rate of China’s residents’ happiness index was not only slightly slower than the growth rate of the human development index but also significantly slower than the ecological footprint index per capita. The spatial differences of EWP in China were found to be expanding. Inter-regional differences were found to be the primary source of spatial differences in China’s EWP. Meanwhile, the capacity for sustainable development among provinces was further stretched, and, thus, the spatial polarization of China’s EWP tended to deepen. The importance of economic growth in boosting EWP cannot be overstated. China must actively encourage scientific and technological innovation, transition to a green development model, and raise human well-being in tandem with economic development. This study contributes to a scientific foundation and is a valuable reference for long-term and coordinated regional development in China and other emerging countries.

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