
Cracau-Bistrita Depression it belongs to the investigated it is a unique physical geographical unit within Moldavian Subcarpatians, which occupies the center of the groove subcarpathic between Moldova and the Trotus Rivers. In geological terms we refer territory corresponds to a restricted part of the Moldavian Platform appears as an extension to the southwest of Russian platform. Geological rocks that are part of the northwest Cracau-Bistrita Depression parent materials generated relatively differentiated by features and nature that can be eluvial, colluvial and alluvial. After compiling size, they are made of clay and marly clay, sand, alluvial deposits. The main pedogenetic processes which led to differentiation and the formation horizons of soil the soil cover of the northwest Cracau-Bistrita Depression may be mentioned bioaccumulation, clay migration, argillisation, gleyzation and stagnogleyzation. Ensemble pedogenetic factors and pedogenetic processes specific area led to the formation of a coating on the ground floor consists of relatively varied protisols, cernisols, cambisols, luvisols, hidrisols and antrisols. Of these, the largest share is occupied by cernisols. Arable land suitability is limited by several factors, of which the most important are considered the soil, topography and drainage. So outstanding were six classes of land: from those with very good suitability for field crops, without restriction, to land that can be used only for forests as those from nearby watercourses due to flooding. Misuse of the land has led to extreme natural phenomena, considered risks that go to produce immense damage by reducing agricultural production. I particularly physical, chemical and complex risks. Most worthy of notice covers the main physical and chemical properties of soil and land degradation by destroying the soil. In order to eliminate the negative effects of limiting factors of agricultural production, reducing risk and thereby improving the productive potential of the northwest Cracau-Bistrita Depression were proposed a series of works agropedoameliorative such as regulation of water and embankment works, paper land on the contour and avoiding weeding plant cultivation on slopes, erosion control works and avoid prolonged grazing early spring or fall, ripping papers for land compacted or affected by excess moisture.


  • Cracau-Bistrita Depression it belongs to the investigated it is a unique physical geographical unit within Moldavian Subcarpatians, which occupies the center of the groove subcarpathic between Moldova and the Trotus Rivers

  • The northwest part of the Cracau-Bistrita Depression is among the regions that the diversity of the natural components ensure users obtain optimal agricultural production and income, especially if harnessed effectively, economically and environmentally existing technologies

  • A productive agriculture is essential prerequisite for sustainable development of agriculture with multiple objectives, to reduce poverty and improve livelihoods, with preserving and protecting the natural resource base. All these are not possible without special research, extensive and often lengthy. On this importance is the territory under study dealing extensively formation, development, spread soil in the territory, morphological description of soils and the main physical, hydro and chemical, suitability natural environment for agriculture of the region and agropedoameliorative requirements [8]

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Experimental part Materials and methods

The primary unit of basic research and mapping of soil cover was the soil profile, which allowed studying morphological characteristics of the soils and some feedback on their fertility. Determining the number of primary and secondary profiles is envisaged category of complexity and scale soil map. The study falls into the category of complex a-II-a and pedological mapping was performed at 1: 10.000 They opened 25 soil profiles depths ranging from 1-2 m, in which soil samples were collected from numerous genetic horizons of soil, the thickness is not larger than 20 cm. In natural (unchanged) settings, soil samples were taken using a metal cylinder of known volume (200 cm3), to characterize the physical and hydro-physical features, as well as the momentary soil moisture. Digitization geographical elements type areas of land became a subject polygon using as a working soil map, scale 1: 200.000, sheet Piatra Neamt, spatially referenced projection Stereo 70 for overlapping elements physical and geographical statements topographic map [13]

Since geologically investigated area belongs Moldavian
Eutricambosols and lithosols
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