
This paper explored the motivation, disadvantages and ways for Shenzhen to enhance its innovation capabilities in the context of new development patterns and rapid urbanization. Anchored in the framework of China's new dual circulation policy, the paper examined the multifaceted motivations driving Shenzhen's pursuit of innovation excellence. The analysis underscored Shenzhen's unique advantages, including government policies, geographical positioning, and participation in the Belt and Road Initiative, as catalysts for fostering innovation. However, it cautioned against the challenges posed by rising economic risks and inefficient resource allocation. With a focus on transparency, regional cooperation, talent cultivation, and the comprehensive application of digital technology, the paper proposed strategic measures to bolster Shenzhen's innovation ecosystem. By harnessing the democratizing potential of digital tools, fostering collaboration, nurturing talent, and embracing data-intensive resources, Shenzhen can fortify its position as a global innovation hub while navigating the complexities of a rapidly evolving economic landscape.

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