
According to the theory of economic growth and economic growth accounting models(Barro,1999),we conduct a research on the general economic growth accounting for Shanghai,and in order to analyze the sustainable development problems such as green economic growth accounting,we make a study of the green GDP economic growth accounting models(Asheim,2000).Some important results concerning the calculation research on the economic growth of Shanghai are obtained.Firstly,before implementing reform and opening policy,the achievement of Shanghai's economic growth was mostly supported by the input of capital,human resources and labors.And wage policy ensured the input of human resources because of planned economy,but it failed to cause technological progress.After the reform and opening,the achievement of Shanghai's economic growth was benefited from the technological progress caused by some reasons such as institutional innovation and so on,but interfered by the revenue policy.Secondly,Shanghai's green NNP value is far lower than the GDP value,and the latter is at least 2 to 4 times of the former.The ratio between Shanghai's GDP value and green NNP value was maintained more than 3 times that in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.In recent years,the ratio reduced to a relatively rational level,being around 2 times between Shanghai's GDP value and green NNP value.This shows that people have awared to pay more attention to the environmental problems and resource wasting problems,and have taken actions to protect environment and reduce resource wasting.Thirdly,at present,we believe that,because of the accounting results of Shanghai's green NNP,green GDP should not be used as a unique index of measuring economic development,but it can be used as an index of measuring the effect on environment and the wasting of resource by economic development as well as a supplement for the GDP index.

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