
Keywords: Multi carrier, Linear FM, Radio fuze distance. Abstract. The nonlinear frequency modulation technology is applied to the fuze detection system, which makes the modulation signal in a period of a nonlinear change, so that the interference of the enemy is difficult to detect. Studies have shown that the fuze system has good speed resolution performance and the distance resolution, strong anti-jamming performance and the signal has thumbtack ambiguity function, in a modulation signal cycle can also provide non fuzzy distance and speed detection. With the development of modern warfare and its characteristics, it is required to meet the comprehensive requirements of the detection range, detection accuracy, range resolution, anti jamming and its economic performance. The modulation waveform of the radio fuze has important effect on improving the recognition ability of fuze target, anti jamming ability and reducing the ambiguity of measurement. The linear frequency modulation continuous wave detection system has the advantages of low power, low probability of interception, high range resolution, and has been widely used in guidance and fuze technology. The basic principle is to detect the target distance by using the signal frequency between the transmitted signal and the target echo signal to reflect the target's distance information. But because of the ambiguity function of linear frequency modulation continuous wave fuze signal, the target can not get the exact velocity and range value of the target, and it is easy to be detected by the enemy. In order to study the radio fuze detection system, it is a single carrier detection system. The target information contained in the system is limited, and the target echo signal is limited. According to the characteristics of multi carrier communication system based on multi carrier and linear FM modulation technology, a multi carrier radio fuze detection system is proposed. Compared with the single carrier radio fuze detection system, multi carrier and linear frequency modulation fuze can output more target information and electromagnetic environment information. These information are in the echo signal, so it is the key to adjust the parameters of the system. The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) detection technique can obtain good fixed distance and anti - jamming performance, but it is very sensitive to the leakage of antenna. With the signal processing method and the control method of multi carrier and linear frequency modulation complex modulation detection system, the target detection performance and anti jamming performance of multi carrier and linear frequency modulation compound modulation detection system can be directly determined.

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