
Quantum computing is the engineering of utilizing the properties of a quantum, as so could be understood as the using the rules of nature at the scale of an atom, to calculate faster and more complicated problems than traditional computers. These new inventions are not merely a device that calculates faster than the speed convention computers, the only similarity between them might only be some essential hardware and their names, because unlike conventional computers that uses classical physics to transmit electronic information, quantum computers utilize quantum physics to perform calculations. Quantum computing has the potential to replace conventional computers in solving important problems in fields such as chemistry, cryptography, materials science, medicine, and artificial intelligence, which are all task that are uneasy and sometimes devastating for conventional computers to do. Quantum computers characteristics includes but are not limited to: stronger information processing abilities and a faster calculation speed. Compared with traditional computers, the greater the amount of information it processes, the better a quantum computer can calculate a more accurate result. This paper is focused on researching and explaing the characteristics of quantum computers and their possible contributions to the human society.

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