
With the popularity of the Internet, the traditional retail model has caused a huge impact. With the application of Internet of things to retail enterprises, it has produced a lot of data. Suning has developed e-commerce through Smart retail (hereinafter referred to as SR), which has brought huge profits to Suning e-buy (hereinafter referred to as Suning). Traditional retail enterprises must transform and upgrade, which will achieve better profits. By integrating into the Internet, Suning e-commerce launched an e-commerce model. Through the e-commerce platform, Suning can easily experience online shopping, which will improve sales through price strategy. Through e-commerce, Suning continues to expand its market scale, which also continues to ensure its position in the industry. Through the Internet platform, Suning ensures the stable profit level of the enterprise, which can ensure the transformation of the enterprise to the profit model (hereinafter referred to as PM). Firstly, this paper analyzes the main retail models. Then, this paper constructs a PM of SR in digital ecology. Finally, some suggestions are put forward.

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