
With the advancement of new power system construction, the large-scale layout of new energy power generation has gradually become a new format, and the overall new energy presents the characteristics of “rapid development of installed capacity, an increased proportion of low-voltage grid connection, and ultra-high penetration rate in some areas”. Under the new situation of power generation, power transmission, power distribution, and power consumption, to solve the problem of efficient and friendly interaction of “source, network, load and storage” in the power system and the consumption of renewable energy, “virtual power plant” came into being. However, there are limitations in aggregating resources in virtual power plants. To improve the effective participation of users, such as medium and low loads in power grid interaction, this article designs and implements a load-side virtual power plant control software system based on cloud-side collaboration. We use the virtual power plant operation control system to realize resource bidding and flexible participation in the response. The system can flexibly aggregate multiple types of resources through deployment verification, effectively realize precise tracking of instructions, and guarantee effective grid interaction.

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