
Military information system has the tendency of larger scale, more complicated component, on the contrary of shorter and shorter developing cycle. Aiming at these, this paper puts forward an operational architecture modeling method based on DoDAF, and gives the detailed steps of operational architecture design , as well as how to accomplish related architecture products. Then, combined with detail example, a remote target indicator system is established and validated by dynamic simulate experiment. The experiment results show that this method can describe system architecture effectively as well as practicably. Introduction It is very important to strengthen the top-level design for Military information systems, which have the characteristics of huge scale, complicated structure, and the variable mode of operations. Finishing architecture design before system is developed can not only enhance the development efficiency, but also reduce the design risk and prove the system’s availability. Finally, the interconnection, interworking and interoperability of military information systems will be enhanced. Nowadays, architecture design is being paied more attention for scientific research organizations and commerce teams, and some achievements are gained[1,2]. However, most of them are still confined within theoretical research or the development of architecture supporting tools[3,4]. While few military information systems frame according with our national conditions is found, not even mention to the architecture modeling based on detailed operation demonstrations [5]. So on the basis of doing deep studies on the architecture frame of USA defense department, we presents a remote target indication operational architecture based on DoDAF, emphasize particulary on system operational architecture modeling and the generation of architecture products, and finally test its feasibility and practicability by specific example. Operational Architecture Design As the most formalize and extensive applied architecture frame at present, DoDAF V1.5 defines a series of standard view[6], such as all view, operational view, system view and technology view, which describes the architecture of military information system from different angles[7,8]. Different views are composed by different architecture products, and these architecture products are taken shap in the course of operational architecture modeling, system architecture modeling, and technology architecture modeling respectively[9]. For the reason that DoDAF just gives the architecture result formats of military information system and some guideline principles, however it doesn’t provide how to design the architecture products or a clear process[10]. Therefore it is important to make it clear of the implication about the architecture products, and their logical relation, as well as the design method and steps for structuring architecture model. (1) Operational Architecture Products Operational architecture is a model which describes the relationship between operational mission, operational action and operational element, whose main function is to make sure the information requirement for operational roles, and describes the operational function and logical demand[11]. The design of this view will confirm the relationship between operational mission, node, activity and element,and the information exchange around the operational nodes for special operational action. International Conference on Information Science and Computer Applications (ISCA 2013) © 2013. The authors Published by Atlantis Press 232 There are 9 products in the operational view of DoDAF V1.5, including High-Level Operational Concept Graphic(OV-1), Operational Node Connectivity Description(OV-2), Operational Information Exchange Matrix(OV-3), Operational Relationships Chart(OV-4), Operational Activity Model(OV-5), Operational Rule Modeling(OV-6a), Operational Status Change Description(OV-6b), Operational event Sequence Description(OV-6c) and Logical Data Model(OV-7). (2) Steps of Operational Architecture Design There are internal connection and interdependence relationship between the operational architecture products. Consequently, operational architecture design can be executed by some steps, as illustrated in Fig.1.

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