
Li, Y., 2020. Research on node mining algorithm and information dissemination model based on wireless marketing vision of marine enterprises. In: Bai, X. and Zhou, H. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources, Environmental Protection, and Sustainable Development. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 115, pp. 308-312. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.At present, the international Marine market is becoming competitive. Therefore, the demand of Marine enterprises to establish their brands by wireless marketing communication is becoming more and more prominent. The wireless marketing communication theory is a highly operational theory. Based on the wireless marketing communication theory, this paper introduces this theory into the Marine enterprise communication for exploratory thinking. Based on the full analysis of hot spot information mining technology and information transmission model, combined with the management practice of ocean enterprises, this paper determines the weight of oceanic enterprise event information by means of hot spot information mining technology, constructs information transmission model, and analyzes the research display of hot spot information mining and enterprise information transmission model.

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